Tag Archives: poverty

Poor country’s affluent gods


I have been to several temples in my short life and apart from many other things that are similar between them, the one thing that really caught my eye was the sight of little children standing beside the big yellow rusty trunks very aptly titled daan peti(donation box) with their hands facing heavens, pressed against their chests waiting to get their share of the grace.And being god’s most gracious creation we have made sure that all of them are overflowing while the hands remains boney, dirty and empty.

one can understand the pleasure in watching the disappointment that creeps up on the young wrinkled faces when the bhkat (devotee) slips one hand in the pocket and takes out a10 or 100 rupee note,while a young poorly built excuse for a little kid,who has been on a forced hunger strike since its birth,watches him with its twinkling beady eyes in anticipation that maybe he is the Messiah that it is he who will end their famine, in the mean while he drops the money in the donation box. As the devotee bangs slightly on the opening to make sure that the money goes right in,the excuse moves on in search of its messiah.

but one also needs to understand the sentiments of the bhakts who have covered hundreds of miles to visit these shrines so that they can give a little part of their earnings as a tribute to the almighty,thanking him for his kindness.While these soiled tiny skeletons disturb them in their rituals,doing shameful unholy things in such sacred places.But… little did they know that for these little excuses god lies in food .

while we relentlessly try to impress the guy who we very fondly called the creator of everything with money, we constantly over look its most beautiful creation…children.

although I’m afraid of getting smite by the almighty for questioning his methods, all of this does make me wonder about this poor country and its affluent gods… but what the hell do i know i m just a kid who lives at home.